Alert- Staying Informed Via IETM / IETP Information Management Features

May 31, 2023

You Have Mail…..

Around the globe, in offices and homes alike, the familiar “ping” of a new SMS message, email, or social media update is heard. Literally,this happens millions of times each day. As a species, we have been conditioned to respond to these signals with actions, immediately (in most cases) checking what event or tidbit of news has graced our inbox.

It would be unjust to the aviation vertical to assume that being aware of new existing information is not a massive priority. Aviation IS about data transfer on a massive and continuous scale, and hence, users need to know when new and important information is being presented to them to ensure their tasks are performed according to regulatory, safety, structural and procedural parameters..

Information management starts with the awareness that data exists to help us. Robust IETM / IETP applications provide ways to alert users to existing new information throughout their daily tasks. It is an important and valuable capability, ensuring that users see and use the available current information to best effect, allowing workflow results downstream to be concise.It also provides users an indication of what they are looking at, as they consume information from various sources simultaneously.

The Need To Know Basis- 24/7

Aviation, a heavily regulated industry, requires many users to access data existing in manuals and publications within libraries. More often than not, a user requires the ability to view multiple pdfs and graphics simultaneously in two or more UI windows to efficiently complete their task.Keeping track of which informational pane is currently active can be challenging, and as well, what chapter or section the data is being rendered from. 

Forward thinking IETM / IETP development includes ways to manage this efficiently. For instance, the NIVOMAX Viewer possesses a TOC (Table Of Contents) which triggers a hierarchy, moving the currently viewed page node to the top of the TOC and highlighting it in blue, giving an alert to the user to which page node they are viewing in an active UI window. As well, it assists information management by denoting the status of information contained in the page node via color code, indicating if it is New, Unchanged, or Changed.

Through this process, a user is aware at all times of the state their information is currently in. As well, they are able to see if the data has changed in any way, so they can review any work they have done and align it with newly obtained data.

IETM / IETP applications possess a gamut of features, all designed to assist the various roles users work under in aviation. Information management comes into play frequently when collaboration becomes a necessary strategy.With new partners for parts and maintenance/repair techniques being sought out currently, this scenario is becoming far more common.

 For example, IETM / IETP applications which permit users to annotate and share information, need a method to alert users that data is present to assist them with a specific task. In the NIVOMAX Viewer, the Draw and Text Annotation feature icons utilize a color code to alert the user that others have updated the information with collaborative annotations designed to assist with comprehension of the task and data. A simple, yet effective technique, ensures the user is aware that details yet to be consumed are present. The same strategy is applied to features such as Bookmarks/Favorites, telling users that historically saved information is ready to be viewed if needed.

All Systems Go….

Information management is also of prime importance to inform users about the status of the application they are currently using. New versions becoming available, with new or optimized features for specific tasks, need to be shared with all users so the benefits of these applications can be fully taken advantage of. Effective IETM / IETP applications have features which inform them that new iterations of information contained within the app exist.

In web based portal scenarios, libraries inside the Viewer application possess alert features telling the user they have newer versions that have been made available. In NIVOMAX, for example, a status icon in the Libraries View informs users that the library in question is a new version available to them.

Information management, in regard to alert features, is handled a bit differently in Desktop versions of IETM / IETP programs. The System and Library Update  alerts are crucial,in order for users to maintain the latest app versions and libraries. In the NIVOMAX Standalone Viewer, users are kept informed concerning both the status of the app itself, and the associated data it contains for usage via color coded icons.

Informational updates such as SD’s ( Supplemental Documents) and, more importantly, TRs ( Temporary Revisions), are also often afforded alert features in efficient IETM / IETM UI’s. These documents are provided by OEMs and authority bodies, letting users know that important information regarding regulatory procedures are present and waiting to be consumed. For instance, the NIVOMAX Viewer TOC  displays TR and/or SD icons, located in the TOC Toolbar, giving an alert to users that mandatory regulatory documentation is present. Toggling the icons shows the user the unit of work impacted by the associated TR or SD, and its comprehensive details.

Do You Need To Be Alerted?

Information Management in aviation is a critical factor for staying compliant, airworthy, and keeping our people safe. An alert is not just a suggestion in this vertical, it is a demand to align with pertinent instructions that may very well carry ramifications of massive proportions if not heeded. Besides being one of the most effective ways to assist users in day-to-day tasks, IETM / IETP applications make sure the organizations perform correctly, in accordance with the many regulations and client stipulations they must uphold. In short, they make people and companies far more effective in achieving their goals.

Alert Us If You Need Help

SYNAXIOM has built cutting edge IETM / IETM applications designed to provide valuable and effective tools for aviation companies. If you require better ways to process and view information, contact us at SYNAXIOM.