Optimization Of IETM / IETP Predefined Documentation – Basic Builder Solutions

May 31, 2023

Combining Basic Viewer and Builder Efficiencies

Aviation does not fly in a direct path when it comes to consuming information. To say that each activity is marked by a linear path between two points would be erroneous, as the amount of data necessary to perform the most basic daily tasks is the definition of complexity. Much of this struggle lies in the need to have information rendered correctly, easily, and effectively. IETM / IETP applications can leverage technical documentation utilizing basic and effective Builder solutions. Predefined content, content which is able to be imported into a Viewer in its native state, can be highly effective if it can be shared, annotated, and collaborated on..

While robust Viewers focus on the challenging task of displaying information that can be viewed and manipulated effectively, the Builder component is tasked with populating content to be consumed by users. Depending on what an organization is trying to achieve, user-wide access to predefined technical documentation can make the difference between task stagnation, or seeing workflow actually improve. Aviation maintenance,repair, operations,manufacturing and safety can be greatly optimized by implementing very simple, yet effective technical content solutions. 

Crucial Data Made Available

As with many things, the basics and fundamental advantages are highly effective in their own right. The ability to access web or cloud based applications providing technical assistance based documentation can be achieved fairly easily through a technical documentation solution.

Internally, most aviation organizations have valuable existing PDF based technical documentation that reside in some form of repository. These documents can be anything from specific client information to maintenance procedure data captured by internals or provided by partners. With the capability of Builder components, such as with the NIVOMAX Builder, these documents can be organized and published into libraries. Once siloed and titled properly to address their specific purposes, they can be displayed to users who require access through an IETM / IETP viewer as virtual libraries, accessible via multiple devices, as is the case with the NIVOMAX Viewer. A good example is information obtained directly from an OEM, as by its very nature, is a vetted document in relation accuracy, originating from the “creator”. ATA -100 specification data is PDF based, and has been utilized for decades to provide specific details related to safety, maintenance, repair, and operations in aviation.

Change has definitely been a word to describe aviation as whole over the last 4 years. The pandemic literally choked revenues on an unprecedented scale, and has leveled one of the greatest labor shortages ever seen in the industry due to universal downsizing. Routine procedures, such as maintenance for airworthiness, became far more onerous, and with demand returning to air travel, a challenge requiring the best technical assets available in every company.

With many senior technical staff not returning to the industry, and the global fleet profile changing rapidly with newer, more efficient aircrafts, technical documentation has assumed a much more vital and increasingly critical role in the recovery of stability in scheduling and quality standards.

A good portion of the required documentation can be created by organizations internally. Organizations worldwide possess the capability to make their own PDF documents.They can author technically relevant procedures they deem necessary for their internal staff and partners to consume, in order to better perform critical tasks associated with the daily demands in aviation. Knowledge from key MRO and Fleet operator technical staff can be captured, authored by a Builder application, and displayed as virtual libraries in an IETM /IETP. 

These technical documentation silos would comprise internally vetted documents/details, authored based on knowledge from remaining senior technical officers.This strategy speaks to a growing concern in aviation, namely, labor shortages, specifically in senior tech roles. IETM / IETP capabilities, displaying critical task based details, anywhere and anytime, become invaluable for scaling aptitude with newly onboarded staff. 

The IETM / IETP application, used wisely in conjunction with a Builder component, allows the knowledge of small groups possessing high technical competencies to support and assist task completion, particularly in a resource strapped scenario. This helps workflow and lowers the occurrence of repeated errors found due to unfamiliarity with procedures. The trainer’s knowledge, at minimum, can be present to assist novices’ workflow and skill absorption via the multiple ways to access data via an IETM / IETP.

Parts scarcity has plagued the life of nearly every aviation technician on the planet. With aircraft models changing their material and maintenance profiles, changes in procedures and the introduction of new methods to address maintenance are key to meeting demands for product delivery and overhaul turnaround. With these new practices for maintenance, manufacturing and repair, OEMs, MROs and fleet operators are working with new partners, and receiving new technical documentation on materials properties such as handling and repair. 

This new content can be automatically disseminated throughout an organization, allowing crucial new information to be utilized as a comprehensive bank of information regarding these practices.

Expanding the Scope Of Content – 

While text and image content can be very effective for technical documentation purposes, other media types can also be included in any library. Video and audio, both highly effective in assisting learning and skill transfer, can also be added to any library. Builder components are capable of processing multiple formats (i.e. mp4, mp3, gif, etc) and versatile IETM / IETP Viewer functionality can play these natively, without plugins. Complete procedural details can be dictated, step by step, or better still, have video applied to critical and unfamiliar tasks to optimize workflow, giving beginners a live example of the processes to be undertaken.

One of the best benefits obtained from basic builder/viewer solutions is the ability to update libraries. In this fashion, as more specific and valuable information regarding processes is discovered and collected, content can be easily updated by including it in the next version of the update. Alerts within the Viewer application will tell users that they have new information available to them, allowing the most current data to be consumed, making it a formidable tool which increases the efficiency of users’ ability to complete tasks.

Power In Numbers

While the NIVOMAX IETM Viewer that can output data from predefined sources making it a powerful tool on its own, the synergies that can be attained by implementing the Builder in tandem can allow organizations to achieve greater efficiencies, such as adoption of the S1000D standard. We at SYNAXIOM know there is power in numbers.Choose NIVOMAX as your next partner. 

Are You Looking To Utilize Your Existing Information More Efficiently?

SYNAXIOM has provided aviation companies with robust tools which offer powerful and simple solutions for organizations seeking better data management. If you require assistance, call SYNAXIOM and ask for a demo of our NIVOMAX Platform.