IETM / IETP – Basic Features For Achieving Overall Efficiency

May 31, 2023

IETM / IETP – Fundamental Capabilities For Usage

IETM / IETP applications possess, in general, features which allow users to perform tasks and consume information efficiently. They boost performance, learning and help with the standardization of practices, both new and old. Each boast that they possess unique characteristics, and in many cases, these serve to address specific challenges organizations face. Truly optimized Viewers start at the foundation of any company’s needs, ensuring that the basic functionalities needed to give reliable and beneficial assistance to tasks is present. 

Displaying information is the basic task of an IETM. In order to do that, they must possess certain specific qualities

Web based viewer applications, by their nature, need to be viewed through a browser. One of the simplest capabilities an IETM requires is the ability to be utilized on multiple browser types, accommodating the habits of various users throughout an organization. This allows the level of comfort required by users to access the portals, and as well, allow the display of information contained within the app to be presented correctly. While it seems a small matter, many would be surprised at how much a browser can impact an applications ability to render information. This functionality is a must.

Alongside browser compatibility,one of the critical basic  IETM / IETP viewer features is the ability to process content contained within them natively to users. What we mean is that the application will require no additional plugins or middleware to perform the task of displaying information. Without this, issues inevitably arise in the consumption of data, disrupting workflow efficiency, and triggering multiple support problems, degrading the user experience and limiting task completion. Without this capability, the application can actually become a hindrance rather than a competitive edge. Viewers such as NIVOMAX possess the ability to process information without any form of external plugins.

While browser compatibility and the integral capability to display information are key factors in IETM / IETP functionality, being able to be mated with any clients existing IT environments may be one of the paramount features. In order to utilize the application, it must be capable of integrating with the existing platforms that clients are currently using. Asking clients to radically alter the foundations of what they have based information management on wil be a massive roadblock, possibly making engagement impossible.

Extensibility is the ability to utilize an IETM / IETP application on multiple different devices. With today’s work environments, especially post pandemic, more and more users work in non -traditional locations. A truly robust viewer allows users to have information rendered to them on devices ranging from workhorse desktops, tablets, laptops, and mobile phones. All of this should be possible, with negligible impact on the UI functionality. Staying in touch with the most important tools users require to perform tasks needs to be included in basic features for today’s changing work environments and conditions. 

As a matter of fact, the ability for  IETM / IETP to perform outside of the realm of internet connectivity is also counted amongst the features required for a truly efficient application.A Viewer, such as NIVOMAX, also can be deployed in a standalone version, utilizing authorization keys to access  informational repositories carried within the device, negating the need for an active internet connection. Being dependent on the environmental conditions regarding connectivity can be a surprising showstopper, and in many cases, an unforeseen one. Having a preloaded device which can perform all the functions of a web based version is often an excellent contingency.

Accessing data easily is the goal of every user. Finding information, specific information, is often a challenge in aviation. Search is a universally deployed capability in most cases with applications holding data for consumption and task assistance.With the veritable oceans of information accessible through and IETM / IETP, methods by which users can easily navigate to what they are looking for is critical. Search features are often parsed between simple and advanced search types, allowing configurable parameters to efficiently assist the users queries for information, such as it is in the NIVOMAX Viewer.

The most important element in the user IETM / IETP equation is, yes, the user.Users drive the application, altering direction and tasks initiated as required through their sessions. Features which affect the UI, are important to overall work performance, and are a necessary element to address in rendering a powerful Viewer.The ability to change the user canvas, by manually triggering alterations in its dimensions and what it displays, is crucial to efficiency related to workflow optimization and learning. In our opinion, usability is one of the most important factors for users within an organization to see it as an aid, as it impacts the users ability to consume information quickly and correctly.

Beyond The Basics

IETM / IETP viewers possess literally a myriad of capabilities, some more complex than others. Features such as Applicability and Parts Ordering are highly regarded by many aviation companies as they possess the ability to assist in workflows related to multiple products and manage supply chains from within the application respectively. Offline access, a scenario which many users encounter, is also key to maintaining consistent workflows. We at SYNAXIOM look forward to sharing more with our audience regarding key features.If you are looking to see how NIVOMAX renders functionality, and have a specific feature in mind you wish to know about, feel free to contact us for a demo.


SYNAXIOM is a leading expert in developing robust, extensible, and cost-effective enterprise solutions including NIVOMAX – the single suite for S1000D/ATA compliant IETM & IETP.