IETP / IETM Benefits – Management Of Future Regulations

May 31, 2023

The Rules Will Change

The veritable maelstrom of change surrounding the aviation ecosystem has impacted all levels of the industry. Passenger flights are experiencing issues with reliability, with cancellations becoming more frequent, and the number is growing as air travel demand returns in force. Parts, a vital factor in maintaining aircraft operations and safety, have become scarce, driving MRO, Fleet and OEM technicians to find new sources and techniques to handle the repairs and maintenance necessary to keep planes flying on schedule.Chronic understaffing has made these issues all the more challenging.

In a recent article, indications that the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is considering changing the way that aviation technical publications information is distributed and utilized, emphasizing the usage of electronic flight manuals. Most likely, it will be provided through the universal implementation of IETM / IETP applications, such as NOVOMAX.These proposed new regulations will alter the way that information management is executed, telling the industry that digitalization may become a hard and fast requirement in the very near future. Through the implementation of an IETM / IETP, manuals and publications can very easily be maintained with compliance standards, with current data available to all stakeholders associated with the execution of regulatory tasks surrounding airworthiness. 

What Will Come Next?

With the knowledge that mandatory digitization of flight manuals waits in the wings, other areas of concern, where electronic information access would greatly assist, have also been mentioned in publications throughout the web.The shortage of pilots, the key role in the operation of aircraft worldwide,has forced flying schedules which are beginning to push the limits of human endurance and efficiency, compromising the possible safety of many flights and passengers. 

If the current rise in demand persists, and labor shortages are not resolved soon, it is entirely possible that new regulations may be put in place to avoid disaster. New regulations may soon show themselves, defining new management parameters for pilot fatigue recovery times. IETM / IETP applications may be the best way to ensure that aircraft operators stick to maximum flight hours allowable per day/week,possibly through extensions provided by IETM / IETP tools, like EFB’s (Electronics Flight Bags). EFB’s, used by pilots to store and access pertinent data regarding airport protocols, flight dynamics and more, may be populated with logs for hours flown per day, with alerts to force adherence to fatigue recovery regulations.

Safety, a key motivator for aviation regulations compliance, is being invigilated with more scrutiny as demand returns. Incidents preceding the pandemic have forced regulatory bodies to more closely scrutinize procedures and practices currently being utilized. Recently, India’s air travel regulatory body, DCGA, was audited by the FAA. Thirty five points were noted for review, many of them pertaining to documentation procedures regarding airworthiness and operations.

 IETM / IETP functionality will play a key role during the massive changes to procedures and airworthiness regulations. The fight to adopt new maintenance techniques and supply chain sources will most definitely change the parameters of many safety guidelines. Management of these new parameters could be more easily facilitated on a global scale through universal utilization of IETM / IETP technology, connecting all parties within the aviation ecosystem to one harmonized standard. The latest specifications for airlines, airports, fleet and OEM technicians could be accessed and collaborated on, as vertical wide partnering to align and vet information will be a large factor in the overall success of the industry going forward.

The management of new regulations, given the currently adverse circumstances, seems almost inevitable.For instance, fuel efficiency certifications will possibly become a required standard as the push towards sustainability is pursued. Change impacting many sectors of the industry will soon force regulations that have existed for decades to be altered to comply with new specifications, and these new standards will likely require universal compliance.

The ability of robust IETM / IETP applications to download mandatory and up to date information for airworthiness regulations allows aviation organizations to maintain and achieve required compliancies.Preparedness is the key factor moving forward, anticipating the inevitable changes, and positioning companies to achieve more simplified and efficient management of these new standards.Viewer applications can also assist internal staff in the performance and absorption of new tasks and procedures, and hence, the benefit of using them is manyfold, reducing the amount of human resources expended in training internals. With roles such as technical staff impacted by labor shortage, a massive efficiency can be realized in a resource strapped industry.

Management, regarding future changes in regulatory standards, is a concern affecting the entire industry. Knowing that both internal and external factors can (and have) greatly affected how day to day operations are performed should inform us that we can expect more unforeseen challenges.In a mission critical industry such as aviation, continuing to provide services is a must. To meet that challenge, companies must be ready to implement solutions that not only deal with the present, but also provide strong foundations for the future.

Are You Prepared For The Future Of Aviation?

SYNAXIOM has built NIVOMAX to assist Enterprise class aviation companies in managing information efficiently, while also assisting future growth. If you require applications to meet present and future challenges, call SYNAXIOM. We have provided end- to end solutions for over a decade.