IETM / IETP Viewer Standalone and Network Functionality – Handling Limited Web Access To Technical Publications

May 31, 2023

Connecting to Unconnected Solutions

The inception of the world wide web has been one of the definitive moments in aviation, and human, history. The ability for anyone to be able to access information easily by connecting to a massive informational source changed not only the way we do business, but as well, the way we think. Over the years, the internet has grown exponentially, and the number of devices that connect to it have similarly become more varied. Everything from a desktop to cell phones and home automation panels now support web access, permitting flexibility in how and when we can view information, and what we can do with these highly useful connected devices in our homes and workspaces.

As a massive consumer of information, the aviation industry relies a great deal on internet based technology. As a highly regulated organism, data regarding daily tasks applying to maintenance, safety, operations, fleet management are routed through the web constantly. Technical publications, a mission critical element consumed by aviation data users, are quite often displayed through the use of IETM / IETP Viewers, such as the NIVOMAX Viewer. This scenario repeats itself thousands of times daily, making access to the web a crucial capability. What happens when aviation staff require access to data, but cannot, for whatever reason, achieve a connection to the web?

Overcoming Web Access Issues and Scenarios

While internet access may play a vital role in IETM / IETP Viewer information consumption for technical publications, it is not always a requirement. Advances to normally web / cloud based data access can provide comparable solutions for users requiring access to technical content. Information needed to perform critical tasks can be obtained, and the functional UI differences between these and accessing a regular web portal are slim, if not negligible.

The traditional desktop and laptop devices have been the workhorses of computing in  the business user environment. Their storage capabilities and processing power allow for performance much akin to cloud based access, if not better in certain scenarios. Versatile IETM / IETP solutions offer an option for organizations to overcome the challenges of limited or non-existant internet environments when users need to consume information to execute tasks reliably. Pre-loaded desktop devices can be deployed, containing the information required for remote teams or teams operating in specialized environments with no access to a network offering connection to the internet.

A Standalone or locally installed Viewer, such as with the NIVOMAX Desktop, can be populated with the necessary virtual libraries required for task completion, and physically brought to the location as an informational source for users. This version of an IETM / IETP Viewer vets access to the libraries through a secure user key, stored locally. Technical publications can then be accessed through a UI which functions almost exactly as the web portal users are most familiar with. 

Manual import of libraries can be achieved with most of these IETM iterations, so more data , provided the user has the access to licenses granted to them, is able to be added to the existing list if kept stored on  an external drive or USB key.

Aviation is also synonymous with collaboration. Often, multiple users are required to process the same data simultaneously to maintain workflow synergies and scheduling. IETM / IETP Viewers with forward thinking design find ways to deliver technical publications to multiple users. Available intranet network structures can be leveraged to perform this functionality utilizing a variant of locally installed IETM / IETP desktop applications.

A Network Solution, such as the NIVOMAX Network Edition, sets up one desktop device as an administrative console.Technical publications are repositoried on this machine to be accessed for viewing by other users. The local intranet is used to connect to the IETM / IETP Viewer by Network clients, who are granted access to the libraries stored in the console. This way, even without internet access, users can consume data with a UI they normally use. Partners, for instance, who are familiar with Web Viewer utilization, will have the same facility in manipulating data that they are accustomed to on a daily basis.

Overcoming Environmental Obstacles Can Be Done

Many would believe that the removal of the ability to access the internet may cause operations, by and large, to cease. This could be true in many cases. The above examples are indicative of scenarios which do arise in aviation. IETM / IETP access to technical publications may be limited by the nature of a project. Some projects have security clearances which force them to be undertaken in environments cut off from access to the web, protecting sensitive data that cannot be exposed to the public at large due to contractual obligations. In other cases, desktop and network console based solutions must be implemented due to the fact that the internet is non existent, or is sufficiently unsuitable in reliability to perform even the most basic data transfer reliably.

IETM / IETP Viewers are remarkable tools, helping users at all levels in aviation. Standalone and Network solutions assist with scenarios we have previously mentioned, and can also possibly provide assistance in situations where internet access is not the main challenge.The success of an IETM / IETP is rooted in its robustness, scalability, and extensible formats that can greatly improve overall performance, regardless of the user or environment. It is the UI through which technical publication can be displayed and manipulated that renders the largest benefits.

Do You Have Challenges With Deploying Your Technical Publications?

SYNAXIOM has been involved with the aviation industry for over a decade, providing solutions for Enterprise companies who require cutting edge solutions and applications to address challenging environments and situations. Call SYNAXIOM if you require functionalities to achieve success with technical publications Viewing capabilities though IETM / IETP applications.