Integration Of New Additive Process And Material Information Via Technical Publications Solutions

May 31, 2023

Finding Solutions Closer To Home

Amidst the turmoil of rising demand for air travel, one of the most pressing issues experienced by MROs (Maintenance Repair Overhaul) and OEM manufacturers has been part scarcity. The absence of viable parts necessary to keep aircrafts airworthy and in use for generating profit has been jeopardized greatly by instabilities in the supply chain. This trend has continued to plague aviation into 2023, as China, a massive supplier of electronic components, continues to be assessed as the largest risk attributing to failures with North American and European business attempts to achieve stability in this sector. Airbus, the largest manufacturer of aircraft worldwide, was the outlier, forging head and opening plants in Tianjin, pursuing manufacturing domination despite the risk. With few options left, companies began to look elsewhere, onshore or near shore, for new suppliers capable of providing the necessary materials. Heavy oversight on safety, despite the associated maintenance costs and regulatory procedures, has left little choice but to comply and find innovative solutions.

OEM and MRO organizations have found solutions within North America proper. The suppliers they discovered offer solutions similar to what the Aerospace vertical has been utilizing for optimization of their aeronautical structures -alternate and additive materials. With these new materials, information needs to be absorbed, studied, and organized in order to safely implement and monetize the solutions.Both MROs and OEM manufactures now require integration of this critical information, a task made far simpler by the utilization of technical publications solutions – IETM / IETP applications.

What Does Material and Process Change Require?

Finding a solution to solve part scarcity is a world away from implementing a solution to use new parts, particularly when their material specifications are highly different. MROs and OEM manufacturers are bound by regulatory and safety standards that force them to undertake a process of integration of new information. The new processes must be able to be implemented without fear of liability and other hazards. Technical publications, traditionally, contain the kind of siloed specifications and certifications required to be adhered to by those implementing these new material processes.For instance, engine fan blades made by GE’s additive process were found to produce higher thrust results, yet if minor damage is incurred, the entire engine must be removed for replacement maintenance.

The above is a perfect example of where information is required to be shared and vetted by multiple bodies. While the fan blades (called blisks) are structurally compliant in regard to flight dynamics and safety, there is a massive alteration in the way the repair and most likely maintenance must be performed. OEM manufacturers and MROs must undertake a process of data integration, capturing the new scope of the new parts impact on how the aircraft requires to be serviced and maintained. Technical publications technologies , like NIVOMAX, allow organizations to efficiently align this information, so it can be certified as a viable solution, and proven as a possible improvement over the older model.

How IETM / IETP Applications Facilitate Integration of Data

Oversight is a required part of new parts and materials certifications. The FAA has an exhaustive process that manufacturers must undertake, to the point of vetting the quality of their actual factories. After submitting their required documentation, and (hopefully) passing, more steps must be completed.The information must be authored into technical publications libraries, allowing those who work with the product and those considering using them to access important data related to their aircrafts. IETM / IETP solutions have the capability to make this type of information accessible easily. The ability to annotate data within these applications assists with collecting granular data observed by engineers working directly with the new product, resulting in higher value information, and leading to safer and better products in general.

Technicians , and surprisingly, sales , require access to this data in order to implement and monetize the new techniques. For instance MROs who pioneer these processes must communicate with the OEM manufacturers they partner with. OEMs, whose products are used globally, need a method to get valuable feedback from their clients as they experience its performance. Forward thinking technical publications applications have ways to achieve integration of this type of data. MROs seeking details on what their partner OEMs are seeing may use capabilities like Feedback extensions, to communicate directly with their MROs technical corps. OEM manufacturers may use the same technique to communicate with their clients, fleet operators and airlines. The integration of information ultimately leads to the development of closer and better relationships between these entities.

What Is The Result of Integration Of Information?

With parties collaborating and communicating, the result is often closer partnerships. Technical Publications applications facilitate team building across organizations, a tactic which is being adopted rapidly to find new solutions.MROs and OEM manufacturers use IETM / IETP technology to build cross- functional teams which span the globe. By granting access to external stakeholders, information can be gathered and utilized with far greater effect. The type of information shared can also be varied, in order to provide deeper details. Those who sell these new technologies may ask to have video data of performance tests made available to potential partners, allowing them to see “first hand” how they will benefit from the processes. MROs and OEM manufacturers may include video data to be shared between technical groups which are remote from one another, in order to increase the effectiveness of technical troubleshooting and repair challenges. The Integration is not just about products and techniques. It evolves into synergies resulting from the integration of users- people. And people are still our most valued tool, commodity, and resource.

Finding The Right Tools And Partners To Move Forward

Changing conditions has made the aviation community more open to a wider variety of solutions. Technical Publications solutions are the beginning of the road to achieving stability and feeding progress. Application suite like NIVOMAX can help MROs and OEM manufacturers alike attain these goals. Picking the right partner can make the difference between success and stagnation.

If you require Technical Publications IETM / IETP consultation for your MROs or OEM groups, contact SYNAXIOM for consolation and demos for NIVOMAX.