Moving Forward With MELS – MROs and IETM / IETP Strategies

May 31, 2023

MRO Challenges Today

MROs (Maintenance, repair, Overhaul) are an important component in the aviation ecosystem. OEMs and airlines often rely on their capabilities to provide essential repair and conversion services, and as well, their role in keeping aircraft within airworthiness specifications. Unfortunately, the climate in today’s aviation market has made it harder for them to perform reliably and within allotted time frames for turnaround. Parts scarcity, an evil which has driven many organizations to the brink of sanity, has descended upon the supply chain. MROs require strategies to overcome maintenance challenges associated with this phenomenon in order to keep their valued status.

Time and regulatory standards compliance are at odds with one another. On one hand MRO clients require reliable turnaround times for services performed on their products. Regulatory standards for airworthiness require aircraft to be maintained to rigorous specification in order to be considered ready for duty. Components necessary for maintaining planes, and as well,due to labor shortages, the staff required to perform these tasks, are now valued commodities, presenting a twofold problem for many MROs. With less human resources to draw upon, supply chain difficulties need to be addressed in a fashion that can streamline efficiency and quickly render information to uninitiated technical staff to perform their jobs effectively.

Dealing With MELS Through IETM / IETP Utilization

One of the critical documents used by MROs are MELS (Minimum Equipment Lists). These documents give fleet operators the required regulatory standards information to keep planes within the parameters of airworthiness. MMELS (Master Minimum Equipment Lists) are produced by aviation authorities such as the FAA, ESA and TCAA, and include general data required to execute maintenance and repair planes to specification. Standard MELs are required to capture the information for a specific aircraft, and are more focused on an aircraft type.IETM / IETP implementation , such as with the NIVOMAX Viewer, gives organizations the ability to share required procedural and equipment data between internal teams and external partners.

In regard to problematic procurement, the ability for MRO staff to digest mission critical information is also supported by allowing them to proactively initiate the purchase of required components through Part ordering, integral to IEM / IETP functionality, such as with NIVOMAX. Used in conjunction with a Sales and Orders Extension, MELS can be fulfilled immediately,from the hangar floor if required, drawing upon information experienced by technicians who are working directly in the impacted environment in regard to equipment.Licenses, which may be critical to information regarding equipment, can also be procured this way. Proactiveness in acquiring essential components to fulfill MELs gives companies an edge in maintaining stocking levels necessary to the airworthiness of fleets.

Staffing and time sensitivity in maintenance, an ongoing problem, means less resources to tackle major scheduling challenges. External information, essential to required equipment for airworthiness, can be invaluable.Accessing the latest data (i.e. MRBR – Maintenance Review Board Reports) from the various aviation authorities (ESA, TCAA, FAA) may mean the difference between flight and yet another plane suffering AOG issues. IETM / IETP applications such as the NIVOMAX VIewer, can instantly provide documented technical parameters as to how long a plane can remain airworthy without maintenance. They also detail any amended procedures critical to making sure repairs are applied correctly, avoiding costly wasted time and resources. Applicability features inherent to IETM / IETP solutions make the management of equipment for mixed fleets a much less daunting task, rendering detailed and filtered information across the entire fleet.

Time, as it is said, is of the essence.Today, none are more aware of this than aviation MROs technical staff members, pressed to accomplish regulatory maintenance with fewer material resources. Efficiency gained from optimized minimum equipment list can only be realized by an accordingly effective scheduling and task assignment policy. Less staff, and more importantly, less technically vetted staff, pose a glaring issue in job completion. Workflow is of paramount importance to ensure the necessary equipment and supplies are on hand, and delivery times are maintained to meet client demands.

Workflow can be greatly assisted by the digitalization of operational processes. MROs in possession of MELs, enriched by IETM / IETP features, can better achieve turnaround time stability by implementing scheduling and task assignment extensions, such as the NIVOMAX Workflow Extension. Challenges with scheduling abound, being planned further out to accommodate wait times for necessary equipment. Master scheduling, set up to incorporate relevant data for required components, ensures that operations will be performed properly and with the necessary equipment to effect repairs and overhauls that will not fall short of compliance and delivery times.

MELS Are Just The Beginning

Displaying how one specific facet of aviation technical documentation can be optimized and utilized reveals that the digitalization of technical information may very well hold promise in a plethora of other areas. We see how understaffing can be mitigated by providing access to accurate data, vetted procedures,and effectively planned timelines.  Ensuring that technical staff, from novice to experts, can absorb new skills and execute tasks with efficiency speaks to the strength of digital technical publications solutions. IETM / IETP applications possess robust capabilities, such as optimized UI/UX features that assist the ability to learn and complete various tasks, increasing overall workflow and time consumption. Looking at it holistically, it could be said that IETM /IETP applications are basic and essential building blocks for meeting (and possibly exceeding) the challenges we see today in the aviation sector .MROs require a solid foundation upon which to deliver customized problem solving features and extensions, which can be accessed by an entire company through multiple device types and portals, 24/7 worldwide. With this in hand, venturing forth into new and possibly highly profitable new techniques and procedures can be achieved more simply,solidifying the value of MROs services.

Are You Ready To Integrate With New Technologies

SYNAXIOM’s NIVOMAX Suite offers MROs, OEMs, and Fleet Operators rich features and a solid platform, customizable to integrate with your existing environments.We work as a valued partner to develop applications and functionalities that will serve your Enterprise aviation requirements through cutting edge IETM / IETP implementations designed for you to achieve success.

Contact SYNAXIOM for with any questions or requests for demonstrations